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- Opposite Adjectives: List Of Opposites Of Adjectives With ...
Here you will find a table of words and their opposites. Opposites formed by prefixes (dis-, ex-, im-, in-, irr-, un- etc.) are not listed here.
Technical and geographical words are listed only in a very small amount because of clarity.
Opposites synonyms, Opposites pronunciation, Opposites translation, English dictionary definition of Opposites. Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other: opposite sides of a building. A coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. Match the Opposites #1 Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are dry/wet, thin/fat, east/west, close/open, young/old, noisy/quiet, heavy/light, hot/cold, sweet/sour, ugly/pretty. Or go to the answers. Match the Opposites #2 Match 10 words to their opposites.
Word | Opposite |
A | |
about | exactly |
above | below |
absence | presence |
abundance | lack |
to accept | to refuse |
accidental | intentional |
active | lazy |
to add | to subtract |
to admit | to deny |
adult | child |
advanced | elementary |
affirmative | negative |
afraid | brave |
after | before |
against | for |
alike | different |
alive | dead |
all | none |
to allow | to forbid |
already | not yet |
always | never |
ancient | modern |
ancestor | descendant |
to agree | to refuse, to argue |
amateur | professional |
to amuse | to bore |
ancestor | descendant |
angel | devil |
animal | human |
to annoy | to satisfy |
to answer | to ask |
answer | question |
antonym | synonym |
apart | together |
approximately | exactly |
to argue | to agree |
to arrest | to free, to set free |
arrival | departure |
to arrive | to depart, to leave |
artificial | natural |
ascent | descent |
to ask | to answer |
asleep | awake |
to attack | to defend |
attack | defence, protection |
attic | cellar |
autumn | spring |
awake | asleep |
awful | delicious, nice, pleasant |
B | |
back | in front of |
background | foreground |
backward | forward |
bad | good |
bad luck | fortune, good luck |
beauty | ugliness |
before | after |
to begin | to end, to stop, to finish |
beginning | end, ending |
behind | in front of |
below | above |
best | worst |
better | worse |
beautiful | ugly |
big | small, little |
birth | death |
bitter | sweet |
black | white |
blunt | sharp |
body | soul |
to bore | to amuse, to be interested in |
boring | exciting, interesting |
to borrow | to lend |
bottom | top |
boy | girl |
brave | cowardly, afraid |
to break | to mend, to fix |
broad | narrow |
brother | sister |
to build | to destroy |
busy | lazy |
to buy | to sell |
C | |
calm | excited |
careful | careless |
careless | careful |
to catch | to miss, to throw |
ceiling | floor |
cellar | attic |
centre | outskirts, suburb |
certainly | probably |
changeable | constant |
cheap | expensive |
child | adult, grown-up |
children | parents |
clean | dirty |
clear | cloudy |
clever | stupid |
to close | to open |
closed | open |
cloudy | clear, sunny, bright |
cold (kalt) | hot |
cold (Kälte) | heat |
to come | to go |
comedy | drama, tragedy |
complicated | simple |
compliment | insult |
compulsory | voluntary |
to connect | to separate |
consonant | vowel |
constant | changeable |
construction | destruction |
to continue | to interrupt |
cool | warm |
correct | false, wrong |
courage | fear |
courageous | cowardly |
cowardly | brave, courageous |
to create | to destroy |
cruel | human, kind |
humane | |
to cry (schreien) | to whisper |
to cry (weinen) | to laugh |
D | |
to damage | to repair |
danger | security, safety |
dangerous | safe |
dark | light |
daughter | son |
dawn | dusk |
day | night |
dead | alive |
death | birth, life |
deep | shallow |
defeat | victory |
defence | attack |
to defend | to attack |
delicious | awful |
to deny | to admit |
to depart | to arrive |
departure | arrival |
descendant | ancestor |
descent | ascent |
desperate | hopeful |
to destroy | to build, to create, to form |
destruction | construction |
devil | angel |
dictatorship | republic |
to die | to live |
different | alike, equal, the same |
difficult | easy |
dirty | clean |
disease | health |
distant | near |
to divide | to unite |
division | unity |
to divorce | to marry |
divorce | marriage, wedding |
divorced | married |
domestic | foreign |
down | up |
downstairs | upstairs |
drama | comedy |
dry | humid, wet |
dull | interesting |
dusk | dawn |
E | |
early | late |
east | west |
easy | difficult, hard |
elementary | advanced |
to emigrate | to immigrate |
emigration | immigration |
empty | full |
to end | to begin |
end | beginning |
ending | beginning |
enemy | friend |
to enjoy | to hate |
to enter | to leave |
entrance | exit |
equal | different |
even (Zahlen) | odd |
evening | morning |
everybody | nobody |
everything | nothing |
exactly | about, approximately |
excited | calm |
exciting | boring |
to exclude | to include |
exit | entrance |
expensive | cheap |
export | import |
exposure | shelter |
extreme | moderate |
F | |
to fail | to succeed, to pass |
failure | success |
false | correct, true |
far | near |
fast | slow |
fat | slim, thin |
fear | courage |
female | male |
few | many |
final | first |
to find | to lose |
to finish | to begin |
finish | start |
first | final, last |
to fix | to break |
flat | hilly |
floor | ceiling |
to follow | to lead |
to forbid | to allow, to let, to permit |
for | against |
foreground | background |
foreign | domestic |
foreigner | native |
to forget | to remember |
to form | to destroy |
fortune | bad luck |
forward | backward |
to free | to arrest |
to freeze | to melt |
frequently | occasionally |
fresh | old/stale |
friend | enemy |
front | rear |
in front of | back, behind |
full | empty |
funny | serious |
future | past, present |
Thanks to Alina, Elisabeth and Friedrich.
Aabsent - present abundant - scarce accept - decline, refuse accurate - inaccurate admit - deny advantage - disadvantage against - for agree - disagree | alive - dead all - none, nothing ally - enemy always - never ancient - modern answer - question antonym - synonym apart - together | appear - disappear, vanish approve - disapprove arrive - depart artificial - natural ascend - descend attic - cellar attractive - repulsive awake - asleep |
backward - forward bad - good beautiful - ugly before - after begin - end below - above bent - straight best - worst | better - worse, worst big - little, small black - white blame - praise bless - curse bitter - sweet borrow - lend bottom - top boy - girl | brave - cowardly build - destroy bold - meek, timid borrow - lend bound - unbound, free boundless - limited bright - dim, dull brighten - fade broad - narrow |
calm - windy, troubled can - cannot, can't capable - incapable captive - free careful - careless cheap - expensive cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary clear - cloudy, opaque clever - stupid | clockwise - counterclockwise close - far, distant closed - ajar, open clumsy - graceful cold - hot combine - separate come - go comfort - discomfort common - rare | conceal - reveal contract - expand cool - warm correct - incorrect, wrong courage - cowardice create - destroy crooked - straight cruel - kind compulsory - voluntary courteous - discourteous, rude |
dangerous - safe dark - light day - night daytime - nighttime dead - alive decline - accept, increase decrease - increase | deep - shallow definite - indefinite demand - supply despair - hope dim - bright disappear - appear discourage - encourage | diseased - healthy down - up downwards - upwards dreary - cheerful dry - moist, wet dull - bright, shiny dusk - dawn |
early - late east - west easy - hard, difficult empty - full | encourage - discourage end - begin, start enter - exit even - odd | expand - contract export - import exterior - interior external - internal |
fade - brighten fail - succeed false - true famous - unknown far - near fast - slow fat - thin feeble - strong, powerful | few - many find - lose first - last float - sink foolish - wise fore - aft free - bound, captive fold - unfold | forget - remember found - lost fresh - stale frequent - seldom friend - enemy for - against fortunate - unfortunate full - empty |
generous - stingy gentle - rough get - give giant - tiny, small, dwarf girl - boy | give - receive, take glad - sad, sorry gloomy - cheerful go - stop good - bad, evil | grant - refuse great - tiny, small, unimportant grow - shrink guest - host guilty - innocent |
happy - sad hard - easy hard - soft harmful - harmless harsh - mild hate - love haves - have-nots | healthy - diseased, ill, sick heaven - hell heavy - light help - hinder here - there hero - coward high - low | hill - valley hinder - help honest - dishonest horizontal - vertical hot - cold humble - proud |
ill - healthy, well immense - tiny, small important - trivial in - out include - exclude increase - decrease | inferior - superior inhale - exhale inner - outer inside - outside intelligent - stupid, unintelligent | interesting - boring interior - exterior interesting - dull, uninteresting internal - external intentional - accidental |
join - separate | junior - senior just - unjust | justice - injustice |
knowledge - ignorance | known - unknown |
landlord - tenant large - small last - first laugh - cry lawful - unlawful, illegal lazy - industrious leader - follower left - right lend -borrow | lengthen - shorten lenient - strict left - right less - more light - dark, heavy like - dislike, hate likely - unlikely limited - boundless little - big | long - short loose - tight lose - find loss - win loud - quiet love - hate low - high loyal - disloyal |
mad - happy, sane major - minor many - few mature - immature maximum - minimum | melt - freeze merry - sad messy - neat minor - major | minority - majority miser - spendthrift misunderstand - understand more - less |
nadir - zenith narrow - wide near - far, distant neat - messy, untidy | never - always new - old night - day nighttime - daytime | no - yes noisy - quiet none - some north - south |
obedient - disobedient odd - even offer - refuse old - young | old - new on - off open - closed, shut opposite- same, similar | optimist - pessimist out - in outer - inner over - under |
past - present patient - impatient peace - war permanent - temporary plentiful - scarce plural - singular | poetry - prose polite - rude, impolite possible - impossible poverty - wealth, riches powerful - weak | pretty - ugly private - public prudent - imprudent pure - impure, contaminated push - pull |
qualified - unqualified | question - answer | quiet - loud, noisy |
raise - lower rapid - slow rare - common regular - irregular | real - fake rich - poor right - left, wrong | right-side-up - upside-down rough - smooth rude - courteous |
safe - unsafe same - opposite satisfactory - unsatisfactory secure - insecure scatter - collect separate - join, together serious - trivial second-hand - new shallow - deep shrink - grow | sick - healthy, ill simple - complex, hard singular - plural sink - float slim - fat, thick slow - fast sober - drunk soft - hard some - none sorrow - joy | sour - sweet sow -reap straight - crooked start - finish stop - go strict - lenient strong - weak success - failure sunny - cloudy synonym - antonym sweet - sour |
take - give tall - short tame - wild them - us there - here | thick - thin tight - loose, slack tiny - big, huge together - apart top - bottom | tough - easy, tender transparent - opaque true - false truth - flasehood, lie, untruth |
under - over unfold - fold unknown - known | unqualified - qualified unsafe - safe up - down upside-down - right-side-up | upstairs - downstairs us - them useful - useless |
vacant - occupied vanish - appear vast - tiny | victory - defeat virtue - vice | visible - invisible voluntary - compulsory |
Wwar - peace wax - wane weak - strong wet - dry | white - black wide - narrow win - lose | wisdom - folly, stupidity within - outside wrong - right |
yes - no | yin - yang | young - old |
zenith - nadir | zip - unzip |
Itsy Bitsy Spider | The Little Girl with a Curl | Pease Porridge | Upstairs, Downstairs |
Write Eight Sets of Opposites Think of and write eight sets of opposites. Sample answers: up/down, left/right, black/white, north/south, near/far, in/out, good/bad, big/little, tall/short. | Animal Opposites Coloring Book to Print A coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. | Match the Opposites #1 Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are dry/wet, thin/fat, east/west, close/open, young/old, noisy/quiet, heavy/light, hot/cold, sweet/sour, ugly/pretty. Or go to the answers. | Match the Opposites #2 Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are big/small, clean/dirty, easy/hard, tall/short, left/right, rich/poor, slow/fast, bad/good, dark/light, high/low. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Opposites #3 Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are north/south, wrong/right, in/out, soft/hard, new/old, shallow/deep, frown/smile, best/worst, true/false, find/lose. Or go to the answers. | Match the Opposites #4 Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are up/down, narrow/wide, happy/sad, empty/full, day/night, first/last, over/under, less/more, push/pull, near/far. Or go to the answers. | Match the Opposite Emotion-Related Words Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are generous/greedy, happy/sad, brave/cowardly, shy/bold, hostile/peaceful, frown/smile, energetic/tired, proud/ashamed, loving/hateful, optimistic/pessimistic. Or go to the answers. | Match the Emperor's New Clothes-Related Antonyms Match 10 words related to the fairytale, The Emperor's New Clothes to their antonyms. The words are visible/invisible, ugly/beautiful, clever/stupid, real/make-believe, vain/humble, new/old, truth/lie, happy/sad, ruler/subject, foolish/wise. Or go to the answers. |
Opposites of Prepositions - Multiple Choice Comprehension Quiz #1 Answer 10 multiple choice questions on opposites (antonyms) of prepositions. Words: in, over, after, near, with, for, to, outside, on, behind. Or go to the answers. | Match the Opposite Location-Related Words Match 10 words to their opposites. The words are up/down, north/south, west/east, inside/outside, here/there, first/last, over/under, horizontal/vertical, left/right, far/near. Or go to the answers. | Opposites - Multiple Choice Comprehension Quiz #2 Answer 10 multiple choice questions on opposites (antonyms). Words: tall, empty, slow, pretty, right, loud, wet, sour, go, hard. Or go to the answers. | Opposites - Multiple Choice Comprehension Quiz #3 Answer 10 multiple choice questions on opposites (antonyms). Words: push, best, wide, clean, light, smile, true, always, old, lose. Or go to the answers. |
Write Synonyms of Antonyms #1 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: big/small, cold/hot, win/lose. Or go to sample answers. | Write Synonyms of Antonyms #2 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: give/take, walk/run, happy/sad. Or go to sample answers. | Write Synonyms of Antonyms #3 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: easy/hard, fast/slow, clean/dirty. Or go to sample answers. | Write Synonyms of Antonyms #4 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: bad/good, rich/poor, hard/soft. Or go to sample answers. |
Write Synonyms of Antonyms #5 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: noisy/quiet, make/destroy, hard/simple. Or go to sample answers. | Write Synonyms of Antonyms #6 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: pretty/ugly, many/few, help/hurt. Or go to sample answers. | Write Synonyms of Antonyms #7 Write synonyms for each set of opposites. Antonyms: love/hate, laugh/cry, start/finish. Or go to sample answers. | Opposites/Antonyms: Vocabulary Word List A list of common opposites (antonyms). |
Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheets For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Worksheet #1 Words: big, warm, far, difficult, hurry, like, woman, true, quick, right. Go to sample answers. Worksheet #2 Words: cry, tall, tired, fat, healthy, repair, depart, start, get, grow. Go to sample answers. Worksheet #3 Words: love, inside, buy, stop, friend, humble, good, sad, new, boring. Go to sample answers. Worksheet #4 Words: dry, clean, alive, lose, disappear, more, silent, stay, similar, rich. Go to sample answers. Worksheet #5 Words: win, stay, rough, good, greedy, sick, alone, alive, find, valuable. Go to sample answers. Worksheet #6 Words: fast, cautious, soon, open, fair, long, shy, sure, sour, smart. Go to sample answers. |
Draw and Compare Big and Small Things Draw a big thing and a small thing, label them, and answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one would be heavier?' | Draw and Compare Day and Night Draw the daytime sky and the night sky and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one do you see more often?' | Draw and Compare Fast and Slow Things Draw a fast-moving thing and a slow-moving thing, label them, and answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one do you see more often?' | Draw and Compare A Happy Face and a Sad Face Draw a happy face and a sad face and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one is more like you?' |
Draw and Compare Hard and Soft Things Draw a hard thing and a soft thing and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one is less common?' or go to a pdf version of this page. | Draw and Compare Heavy and Light Things Draw a heavy thing and a light thing and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one is less common?' or go to a pdf version of this page. | Draw and Compare Hot and Cold Things Draw a hot thing and a cold thing, label them, and answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one do you see more often?' | Draw and Compare Noisy and Quiet Things Draw a noisy thing and a quiet thing and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, 'Which one is smaller?' or go to a pdf version of this page. |
Label the Opposites #1 in English Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in English. Answers | Label the Opposites #2 in English Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in English. Answers | Label the Opposites #3 in English Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in English. Answers | Label the Opposites #4 in English Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in English. Answers |
Opposites in French #1 A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in French. Answers | Opposites in French #2 A Label Me! Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in French. Answers | Opposites #3 in French A Label Me! Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in French. Answers | Opposites #4 in French A Label Me! Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in French. Answers |
The Opposites Song - YouTube
Opposites #1 in German A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in German. Answers | Opposites #2 in German A Label Me! Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in German. Answers | Opposites #3 in German A Label Me! Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in German. Answers | Opposites #4 in German A Label Me! Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in German. Answers |
Opposites #1 in Italian A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in Italian. Answers | Opposites #2 in Italian A Label Me! Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in Italian. Answers | Opposites #3 in Italian A Label Me! Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in Italian. Answers | Opposites #4 in Italian A Label Me! Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in Italian. Answers |
Animal Opposites Coloring Book - English/Spanish A Spanish/English coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. | Opposites in Spanish #1 A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in Spanish. Answers | Opposites in Spanish #2 A Label Me! Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in Spanish. Answers | Opposites #3 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in Spanish. Answers | Opposites #4 in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in Spanish. Answers |
All Themes | Animals | Food | People | Plants | Sports | Time and Calendar | Holidays |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A, Long A, Short A All About Me Alligators, Crocodiles Alphabet, Letters Animals Apples April Fool's Day Arbor Day ASL Astronomy B Balloons Baseball Bats Beach Bears Bedtime Bees Birds Birthday Blends Boats Body Bones, Skeletons Butterflies C Calendars Camping Canada Day Categorizing Cats Chickens China Chinese New Year Christmas Cinco de Mayo Circus Classifying Clothing Colors Columbus Day Community Helpers | Compare and Contrast Computer Terms Containers Cows D Day of the Dead Dinosaurs Dogs Dolch Words Dolphins Dragons Drawing Ducks Dutch Language E, Long E, Short E Earth Day Easter Eggs Elections Elephants Emancipation Day Emotions Energy F Fact or Opinion Fall Family Farm Father's Day Favorites Feelings Firetrucks, Firefighters Fish Flag Day Flowers Follow Instructions Food French Language Friends Frogs Fruit, Vegetables Furniture G | Geography German Language Giraffes Grandparent's Day Groundhog Day H Halloween Hanukkah Happiness Hebrew Holidays Homes/Dwellings Horses Human Body Hundred Days of School I, Long I, Short I Ice Cream Independence Day Insects In The Sky Italian Language J Japan Jobs July 4th Juneteenth K Kangaroo Kings, Queens, Castles Koalas Kwanzaa L Labor Day Ladybugs Leaf Left and Right Letters of the Alphabet M Mammals Martin Luther King Day Memorial Day Mice and Rats Military Money Monkeys | Moon Mother's Day Music N Names Newspaper New Year's Day Numbers O, Long O, Short O Oceans/Seas Occupations One Hundred Days of School Opposites Owls P Pandas Penguins People and Community Pets Pigs Pirate Pizza Plants Portuguese President's Day Pumpkins Q R Rabbits Rainbow Reindeer Right and Left Robots Rocks Rodeo Russia S Scarecrows School Seasons Senses Seuss Sewing | Shapes Sharks In The Sky Snow Sorting Spanish Language Spelling Spiders Sports Spring Stars Stories St. Patrick's Day Summer Sun Swedish Language Symbols Symmetry Synonyms T Teeth Thanksgiving Time Tools Toys Transportation Travel & Vacation Trees Turkeys U, Long U, Short U V Vacation Valentine's Day Vehicles Veteran's Day W Water Weather Whales, Dolphins Winter Witches, Magic X Y Z |
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