Rigs Of Rods Mods Downloads

And the 'mods' are included in the Content Packs that you can download during installation. So they're not really mods. AHotWheelsCollector 2020-05-09 22:40: Daf Semi truck, Bus RVI Agora S, Bus RVI Agora L aren't mods; AudiRS4 2020-04-28 13:36: All cars here are mods, delete this please. One of the best features of Rigs of Rods is the vast amount of community-created mods available. This page will tell you everything you need to know about installing mods. You will have to launch RoR at least once for the mods directory to be created. This video shows the mods that I have for Rigs of Rods and GTA SA including the download for GTA SA for PC and Rigs of Rods. The links to Google Drive will b.

One of the best features of Rigs of Rods is the vast amount of community-created mods available. This page will tell you everything you need to know about installing mods. You will have to launch RoR at least once for the mods directory to be created.

Installing mods¶

Adding a new vehicle or terrain is very simple. Follow the appropriate instructions for your operating system.


First, open File Explorer by clicking the icon on your taskbar or by pressing Windows key + E.

Click Documents, located under 'This PC' or 'Quick access':

Select followed by . You are now in RoR's user directory.

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Place the *.zip file inside the mods folder, either by cut (CTRL+X) and paste (CTRL+V) or drag and drop. Your mods folder should now have the zip inside:

You can also organize your mod zips by creating subfolders (e.g. modscarsDodgeViperGTS.zip).

That's it! You can launch Rigs of Rods now and your shiny new mod should be ready to use.


For this, we'll be using Ubuntu 20.04. Instructions should be similar if you're using another distro.

First, click the icon located on your dock/launcher. You should now be in your Home directory.


If you installed RoR via the Snap Store, the user directory is located at ~/snap/rigs-of-rods/common/.


By default, RoR's user folder is named .rigsofrods, which is a hidden folder. Hidden folders can be shown by clicking the top right menu icon and enabling 'Show Hidden Files':

Once enabled, open the folder. You are now in RoR's user directory.

Place the *.zip file inside the mods folder, either by cut (CTRL+X) and paste (CTRL+V) or drag and drop. Your mods folder should now have the zip inside:

You can also organize your mod zips by creating subfolders (e.g. modscarsDodgeViperGTS.zip).

That's it! You can launch Rigs of Rods now and your shiny new mod should be ready to use.

Where to download mods¶

Mods can be downloaded from the official Repository and the Archives. You should not download mods from unofficial sites, explained below.

Things to avoid¶

When it comes to installing RoR mods, there are some common mistakes new players make. Here's a list of things you should avoid when installing mods.

Downloading from unofficial websites¶

If you search for mods, chances are you will find mods from YouTube videos, forums, and other unofficial sites. These contain stolen content , which is against our Terms of Service. They are not allowed on any of our services, including multiplayer. They may also contain viruses/malware.


Extracting zips¶

Unless specified in the file description (e.g. a content pack) you should NEVER extract a mod zip! Extracting usually results in conflicts with other mods, and model/texture loading failures.

Installing mods in the game directory¶

Some new players who fail to read this page find RoR's install directory (where RoR.exe is) and end up placing mod zips in the content folder.

This folder is ONLY for default content, installing mods here will likely result in them getting overwritten during an update or removed if you decide to uninstall. Please install mods in the correct directory, as explained above.

Installing content packs¶

To install content packs (a zip file containing multiple zips inside) such as the Gabester Vehicle Pack or the content packs, just extract the zip (using File Explorer or 7-Zip) into the mods folder.

Installing skinzips¶


Some mods may provide a *.skinzip which contains some extra liveries/skins for the vehicle. To install these, just place them inside the mods folder.

For more information about skinzips, see this page.

PSD/PDN files¶

These are files meant to be used by photo editing programs such as Photoshop or paint.net, they are not meant to be placed in the RoR directories.

What are addons?¶

Rigs Of Rods Free Mods

In the Repository and Archives, you will find a category for addon parts. These are ready-to-install modifications for existing vehicles.

Some are designed for specific vehicles (e.g. bumpers/exhausts) while others can fit on any vehicle (e.g. wheels/tires). This page serves as a general guide on the basics of installing various types of parts.

The only requirement is a plain text editor, such as Notepad. (Notepad++ is preferred)

As always, read thoroughly and do not skip any steps. Most questions we get are simply caused by people not reading.

ReadMe files¶

Inside most addon zips, you'll find a ReadMe text file. These contain info you need to know in order to install the part correctly, such as managedmaterials lines.

However, not all ReadMe files are the same. Some will provide a detailed step-by-step tutorial, while others may just give the bare minimum managedmaterials lines, or may not include a ReadMe at all.

Vehicle body parts¶

Most parts on the Repository are designed to fit specific vehicles. This includes but not limited to bumpers, exhausts, extra lights, etc.

In this example we will be installing the Heavy Bumper for the Chevy K3500.

Setting up¶

To begin, download & extract the part zip (in our case, CHeavyBumper.zip) into a new folder. The folder should contain the mesh, dds textures, PDN paintkit, and a readme text file:

Next, browse to DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rodsmods and open ChevyK3500.zip:

Find the .truck file you want to edit. For this example I'll be editing the Standard cab Single rear wheels (lift) version (1990K3500_STD_LIFT.truck)

Once you've figured out which truck you want the bumper on, drag the .truck file from the zip and into the folder containing the part you downloaded earlier:

The truck file¶

You will need to open two files, the truck file (1990K3500_STD_LIFT.truck) and the readme file (ReadMe.txt). The readme file contains the lines you need to copy into the truck file.


Before we begin, some notes:

  • Some parts may include a .material file inside the zip. If this is the case then you don't need to specify anything in managedmaterials, just move the .material file into the vehicle's zip along with the other files.

  • If you are unable to find the material name (ReadMe doesn't specify it), download OgreMeshy and open the .mesh file. You should see a similar line in red:

Can't assign material 'ICD_AEZ_Forged' to SubEntity of 'MeshEntity' because this Material does not exist in group 'InternalMeshGroup'. Have you forgotten to define it in a .material script?

In the above example, ICD_AEZ_Forged would be the material name you set in managedmaterials.

With that said, in the truck file, scroll down until you find the managedmaterials section. It will look like this:

For this bumper, you have the choice between clean or rusted, as shown in the readme:

We will choose the clean version. Paste the line at the bottom of the managedmaterials section. Example:

For more info on managedmaterials, see: Managedmaterials


Before we begin, a few notes:

  • If the placement line does not have a forset line, this means it is placed under the props section. Just search props instead.

  • If the readme doesn't contain a placement line, it usually means the part uses the same placement as the vehicle's other parts. In this case you would just copy one of the other placements and change the mesh name to the part. The readme will most likely specify this.

  • Some parts (such as truck beds) may require you to edit the vehicle model (e.g. Bed is part of cab model) in order to install the part. To do this, see: Blender mesh editing

With that out of the way, search (CTRL+F) for flexbodies. You will see this:

Since the vehicle obviously already has a bumper, you will have to remove or comment (;) the original bumper line. For example:

Now copy the placement line from the readme and paste it below the original bumper line, like so:

For more info on props and flexbodies, see: Props

You can now save & close the truck file.


All that's left to do is to move the truck file, textures, and mesh back into the vehicle zip.

If the part includes multiple textures, you can only copy the files required by the managedmaterials section, in this case HeavyBumper.dds and HeavyBumper_s.dds.


Now it's time to test your newly installed part in-game. If you followed this tutorial exactly, you should now have a custom bumper on your K3500!

Wheels and tires¶

Keeping with the K3500, in this example we will be installing the 5 Spoke Wheel.

Setting up¶

To begin, download & extract the part zip (in our case, 5SpokeRim.zip) into a new folder. The folder should contain the mesh, dds textures, PDN paintkit, and a readme text file:

Next, browse to DocumentsMy GamesRigs of Rodsmods and open ChevyK3500.zip:

Find the .truck file you want to edit. For this example I'll be editing the Standard cab Single rear wheels (lift) version (1990K3500_STD_LIFT.truck)

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Once you've figured out which truck you want the wheels on, drag the .truck file from the zip and into the folder containing the part you downloaded earlier:

The truck file¶

You will need to open two files, the truck file (1990K3500_STD_LIFT.truck) and the readme file (ReadMe.txt). The readme file contains the lines you need to copy into the truck file.


Before we begin, some notes:

  • Some parts may include a .material file inside the zip. If this is the case then you don't need to specify anything in managedmaterials, just move the .material file into the vehicle's zip along with the other files.

  • If you are unable to find the material name (ReadMe doesn't specify it), download OgreMeshy and open the .mesh file. You should see a similar line in red:

Can't assign material 'ICD_AEZ_Forged' to SubEntity of 'MeshEntity' because this Material does not exist in group 'InternalMeshGroup'. Have you forgotten to define it in a .material script?

In the above example, ICD_AEZ_Forged would be the material name you set in managedmaterials.

With that said, in the truck file, scroll down until you find the managedmaterials section. It will look like this:

The readme for this wheel contains the following managedmaterials lines:

Paste the lines at the bottom of the managedmaterials section. Example:

For more info on managedmaterials, see: Managedmaterials


Before we continue, a few notes:

  • Some wheels may include a tire with the wheel mesh, in this case you'll have to set the tire material to tracks/trans. The examples below already have it set.

  • Some wheels may have the tire as a separate mesh, in this case see: Flexbody wheels

  • If the wheel is inside out ingame, swap the l and r values before the mesh name. The second example below had to be swapped.

With that said, scroll down until you find the meshwheels section. You will see the following:

Replace ToyoOC_Wheel.mesh with your wheel mesh, in this case 5SpokeRim.mesh:

For more info on meshwheels, see: Meshwheels

You can now save & close the truck file.


Rigs Of Rods Mods Downloads

All that's left to do is to move the truck file, textures, and mesh back into the vehicle zip.

If the part includes multiple textures, you can only copy the files required by the managedmaterials section.


Now it's time to test your newly installed wheel in-game. If you followed this tutorial exactly, you should now have new wheels on your K3500!


Part doesn't appear ingame¶

If the part doesn't appear ingame, make sure you saved and copied the correct files into the zip and did all .truck file edits correctly.

Some parts may require you to adjust the prop/flexbody placement. Press E twice to make sure it's not under the map.

White/pink textures¶

If the part appears as white or pink ingame, you set the wrong managedmaterials lines or didn't copy the .material file.

If you need help finding the material name, see the second note in Managedmaterials



Rigs Of Rods Mods Download

You should now know the basics of installing addon parts in Rigs of Rods. I hope this answers most questions people have. Please contact the staff if you'd like any more examples added.

Last update: June 14, 2020