Download Convert 7mm To Fractional Inches

Convert a decimal number to a fraction using our calculator by entering a decimal value below. The calculator shows all the work in the solution so you can see each step.

This conversion calculator produces results in inch decimals and not inch fractions. Use the conversion chart above to convert inch decimals into inch fractions if necessary for your conversion. Order Online or Phone Toll-Free 1-800-908-8082 'When you need Electric Scooter Parts, go to:'. Convert Metric to Imperial Feet and Inches (Fractional) m cm mm Feet & Inches: 0' 'Inches Only: 0 ' (Accuracy: 1/16') Convert Feet & Inches to Metric ' feet. What is 11/13 to mm? Converting 11/13 inch to mm is a two-step process. First, we convert the fractional 11/13 inch to an inch as a decimal, and then we convert the inch as a decimal to millimeters as a decimal. To convert the fractional 11/13 inch to an inch as a decimal number, we simply divide the numerator by the denominator.

Solved Fraction:


Steps to Change Decimal to Fraction

Convert the decimal into a fraction by putting the decimal over 1 in fraction format
Multiply the numerator and denominator by 10 to eliminate decimal places
Multiply the numerator and denominator by 10 to eliminate decimal places
Reduce the fraction by finding the greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of 75 and 100 is 25
Divide the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor (25)

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Do you want to convert fraction to decimal?

How to Convert a Decimal to a Fraction

Decimal and fractional numbers both represent a number that is not an even integer or a number that is not a whole number. Every decimal number can be converted to a fraction in just three easy steps.

Note that the process of converting a repeating decimal is different.

Step One: Create the Starting Fraction

The first step in transforming a decimal to a fraction is creating a starting fraction with the decimal as the top number and 1 as the bottom number.

For example, to convert .75 to a fraction, start by making a fraction with .75 as the numerator and 1 as the denominator.

.75 = .751

Step Two: Multiply by Ten

The next step is to multiply the numerator and the denominator by 10 to eliminate the decimal place. Continue multiplying both by 10 until the numerator is a whole number.

Continuing the example from above, let’s convert .751 to 75100

.751 = (.75 × 10)(1 × 10) = 7.510
7.510 = (7.5 × 10)(10 × 10) = 75100

Step Three: Reduce the Fraction

The final step in converting a decimal to a fraction is to reduce or simplify the fraction. To reduce, find the greatest common factor for the numerator and denominator. Then, divide both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor.

To complete the example above, we know that the greatest common factor of 75 and 100 is 25. So, let’s divide the numerator and denominator by 25 to solve the reduced fraction.

75100 = (75 ÷ 25)(100 ÷ 25)
75100 = 34

Here’s a tip: use our fraction simplifier to easily reduce your fraction.


For negative numbers, remove the negative symbol from the starting decimal, then follow the steps above. After converting to fraction form, add the negative sign back.

How to Convert a Repeating Decimal to a Fraction

Repeating decimal numbers require a slightly different process to convert to a fraction. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that continues infinitely, such as 1.1787878.

These numbers are usually expressed in a rounded form, such as .788, or with an over-bar like this: 1.178.

Step One: Create an Equation

The first step in transforming a repeating decimal is to create an algebraic equation to represent the decimal.

For example, let’s convert the decimal 1.178 into a fraction. Start by creating an equation to assign the expression 1.1787878 to x.

x = 1.1787878

Step Two: Multiply by 10 Until the Repeating Decimal is on the Left

The second step is to continue multiplying both sides of the equation by 10 until the repeating number is on the left side of the decimal point.

If there are multiple repeating numbers that repeat in a pattern, then multiply by 10 until the repeating pattern is on the left side of the decimal point.

Continuing the example above, let’s multiply both sides of the equation by 10 until the repeating “78” part of the decimal is on the left side of the decimal point.

x = 1.1787878
10 × x = 10 × 1.1787878
10x = 11.787878
10 × 10x = 10 × 11.787878
100x = 117.87878
10 × 100x = 10 × 117.87878
1000x = 1178.78

Step Three: Multiply by 10 Until the Repeating Decimal is on the Right

The third step is to create a new equation for x and multiply until the repeating decimal portion is to the right of the decimal point

Building on our example, multiply both sides of the equation by 10 until the repeating “78” part of the decimal is on the right side of the decimal point.

x = 1.1787878
10 × x = 10 × 1.1787878
10x = 11.78

Step Four: Combine the Equations

The next step is to combine the equations and move both x variables to the left and both decimal values to the right.

Let’s combine the equations and solve.

1000x – 10x = 1178.78 – 11.788

Step Five: Solve

Finally, solve for x to convert the decimal value to a fraction.

Let’s combine the equations and solve.

1000x – 10x = 1178.78 – 11.78
990x = 1167
990x990 = 1167990
x = 1167990

Decimal to Fraction Conversion Table

An alternate method to convert a decimal to a fraction is to use a conversion table such as this one. See the fraction equivalents for some common decimal values below. The table allows you to conveniently see the corresponding fraction for a decimal number.

Table showing the conversion for decimal numbers to common fractions
Decimal ValueFraction Value

See more fraction decimal equivalents.


Convert inch fractions to decimal, convert decimal to inch fractions, convert inches to metric measurements, convert metric measurements to inch fractions, and convert to feet automatically.

Inch Fraction, Decimal, and Metric Results

Metric Units

Inch Fraction to Decimal Conversions

The chart below can be used to easily find the correct fraction for your decimal measurement, or vice-versa. Find decimal equivalents in 164” increments, including 1

7MM To Inches - Convert 7 Mm To Inches Fraction

2“, 14“, 18“, and 116“, and 1

Download Convert 7mm To Fractional Inches Convert

32” measurements.

The chart also shows hints on the markings sizes found on a tape measure or ruler.

How to Calculate Inch Fractions

Inch fractions use denominators that are powers of 2 and go up to the 64th of an inch. That means the fraction denominators will be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. As a result, converting a decimal to an inch fraction is not as simple as finding the nearest fraction.

Instead, it is necessary to find the nearest fraction with the denominator that is a power of 2, also known as a dyadic fraction or dyadic rational number.[1] Typical inch fractions will look something like 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2. Use our feet and inches calculator to add or subtract feet and inch fractions.

Finding Inch Fractions on a Tape Measure

Finding measurements on a ruler or tape measure can be confusing at first, but once you understand how the marks are laid out, then it is far simpler. The markings between the larger inch numbers vary in length.

The longest markings will be the quarter inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/4 inch, the second is 1/2 (2/4) inch, the third is 3/4 inch.

MM To Inches - Convert MM To Inches Fraction

The next longest markings will be the eighth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/8 inch, the second is 3/8 inch, the third is 5/8 inch, etc.

The next longest markings will be the sixteenth-inch markings, i.e. the first marking is 1/16 inch, the second is 3/16 inch, the third is 5/16 inch, etc.

Download a free printable ruler with fraction measurements marked to help learn how to find the inch fractions for a measurement and for easy reading.

Download Convert 7mm To Fractional Inches Conversion Chart

Converting Inches to Metric Measurements

Chart To Convert Mm To Inches

To convert inch fractions to metric measurements, use our handy length measurement conversion tools. Convert from inches to metric or imperial measurements or centimeters to inches.

Inch Fraction Conversion Chart – Fraction Decimal and Metric Equivalents

See equivalent length measurements in fraction, decimal, and metric up to one inch in 164” increments. Use this to convert decimals to inches and millimeters.

Inch fractions to the 1/64 of an inch and the equivalent decimal values in inches and metric values in millimeters
1/64″0.015625″0.396875 mm
1/32″0.03125″0.79375 mm
3/64″0.046875″1.190625 mm
1/16″0.0625″1.5875 mm
5/64″0.078125″1.984375 mm
3/32″0.09375″2.38125 mm
7/64″0.109375″2.778125 mm
1/8″0.125″3.175 mm
9/64″0.140625″3.571875 mm
5/32″0.15625″3.96875 mm
11/64″0.171875″4.365625 mm
3/16″0.1875″4.7625 mm
13/64″0.203125″5.159375 mm
7/32″0.21875″5.55625 mm
15/64″0.234375″5.953125 mm
1/4″0.25″6.35 mm
17/64″0.265625″6.746875 mm
9/32″0.28125″7.14375 mm
19/64″0.2968757.540625 mm
5/16″0.3125″7.9375 mm
21/64″0.328125″8.334375 mm
11/32″0.34375″8.73125 mm
23/64″0.359375″9.128125 mm
3/8″0.375″9.525 mm
25/64″0.390625″9.921875 mm
13/32″0.40625″10.31875 mm
27/64″0.421875″10.715625 mm
7/16″0.4375″11.1125 mm
29/64″0.453125″11.509375 mm
15/32″0.46875″11.90625 mm
31/64″0.484375″12.303125 mm
1/2″0.5″12.7 mm
33/64″0.515625″13.096875 mm
17/32″0.53125″13.49375 mm
35/64″0.546875″13.890625 mm
9/16″0.5625″14.2875 mm
37/64″0.578125″14.684375 mm
19/32″0.59375″15.08125 mm
39/64″0.609375″15.478125 mm
5/8″0.625″15.875 mm
41/64″0.640625″16.271875 mm
21/32″0.65625″16.66875 mm
43/64″0.671875″17.065625 mm
11/16″0.6875″17.4625 mm
45/64″0.703125″17.859375 mm
23/32″0.71875″18.25625 mm
47/64″0.734375″18.653125 mm
3/4″0.75″19.05 mm
49/64″0.765625″19.446875 mm
25/32″0.78125″19.84375 mm
51/64″0.796875″20.240625 mm
13/16″0.8125″20.6375 mm
53/64″0.828125″21.034375 mm
27/32″0.84375″21.43125 mm
55/64″0.859375″21.828125 mm
7/8″0.875″22.225 mm
57/64″0.890625″22.621875 mm
29/32″0.90625″23.01875 mm
59/64″0.921875″23.415625 mm
15/16″0.9375″23.8125 mm
61/64″0.953125″24.209375 mm
31/32″0.96875″24.60625 mm
63/64″0.984375″25.003125 mm
1″1.0″25.4 mm

Conversion 7mm Inches



See Full List On

  1. The Free Dictionary, dyadic rational,