Creative Writing
Course Syllabus
- More great lesson ideas and articles in our Language & Literature Subject Center! Lesson Plan: Multiple Accounts- Lewis and Clark Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.6- Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities.
- Comic Strip Showdown is fast paced and creative to engage today’s students whose attention spans might not be as long as we’d like them to be. Students will work together to create the best comic strips in class, and every comic strip will be created jointly by a number of students—but each student will only have five minutes to.
Length of Course:First Semester
Personal Enrichment. Offered through Continuing Education @ Online. The Writing Program is designed for the beginning or experienced writer. We have classes that give you the opportunity to develop your writing voice, build expertise in the art and craft of writing, and gain insight into today’s publishing environment.
Course Description:
Creative writing involves the study and application of style, form, quality and techniques used in composition. During this course, a variety of activities will be used to evaluate these skills in various artistic formats such as poetry, stories, advertising, autobiographies, and exposition.
Instructional Philosophy:
A wide variety of instructional strategies will be utilized including lectures, informal and formal test evaluations, entire class and small group discussions and presentations, independent writing assignments, and multi-media presentations.
Major Course Goals:
*Apply a writing process to write effectively in various forms and types of writing
* Read and apply multi-step directions to perform complex procedures in writing
* In written text, apply conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and standard usage
Creative Writingms. Scrolls Ela Classes List
*Compose text using precise and vivid language with writing techniques such as
imagery, humor, voice, and figurative language
*Compose text with relevant specific details, complex ideas, and freshness of thought
*Compose text choosing a point of view appropriate to purpose and audience
A+ Core Competencies:
1.Students will create and present various types of poetry. The assessment method
for this competency will be a project grade using a rubric and formal testing.
2.Students will write essays identifying the etymology of first and last names in
their families. The assessment method for this competency will be a project
grade using a rubric and formal testing.
3.Students will write an autobiographical essay using a timeline. The assessment
method for this competency will be a project grade using a rubric.
Major Course Projects and Instructional Activities:
* Surname Project* First Name Project * Autobiography* Poetry* Court Trial Project* Advertising Project
Classroom Expectations:
* Be in your seat with folder/journal when the bell rings or you will be counted tardy.
* A bathroom pass will cost you one tardy.
Creative Writingms. Scrolls Ela Classes Tutorial
* No food or drink allowed in classroom.
* Fines will be assessed for damage to school property or books
Supplies and Materials Needed:
*You will need a pencil or blue/black pen, a folder with pockets, andnotebook
paper for assignments.
* You are accountable for the content of EVERYTHING you write!
Homework Policy:
* You are responsible for make-up work.
* You will not be allowed to return to your locker to get daily homework.
* Use only pencils or black and blue pens for writing assignments and tests.
The teacher will grade in red or colored ink.
* Late work will not be accepted except for excused absences, special conditions
Creative Writing Class Middle School
and the after-school PATHS program (80% is the maximum score for PATHS
Grading System:
A Total Score grading system is used in this class.All assignments will be given a point value and these scores will be added together to determine the final grade.
Grading Scale:
Creative Writingms. Schroll's Ela Classes
Extra Help:Please schedule special appointments with the teacher before or after school for additional help with tutoring and classroom assignments.
Contact Information for Parents:
Phone: (573) 562-7521 ext. 122
Planning Period: 2:02 - 2:56 PM
Add our premier writing curriculum to your after school club, writing lab, connections, or specials! Our program complements what is taught by ELA teachers today with confidence-building, fun writing lessons.
choose from our variety of 10-week lesson plans:
Plot and story structure (narrative writing)
Advertising (persuasive writing)
Mystery writing
Screenplay writing
Sensory detail and POV
Poetry and songwriting
Essay development
Research and journalism (expository writing)
Op-eds (opinion writing)
We believe that great writing skills benefit children in many areas; including improved test scores, boosted self-confidence, and ease of expression.
Using teaching methodologies that emphasize and elevate critical and creative thinking, we have proudly graduated thousands of elementary students from our after school program.
Creative Writingms. Scrolls Ela Classes Free
'Your after-school club was instrumental in giving kids a creative outlet for writing.' – Cobb County Principal
'I couldn’t believe that my [son] Gabriel was able to write his story all by himself! We’re so proud of him. He’s loving it!!' – Lorena Trejo, Parent
'Thanks most of all for being her writing teacher. She really does enjoy writing now, and I know it is because of you and your program.' – Diana Flegal
'The Fun Creative Writing Club challenges my child to think and create. Also, the class teaches my child to think out the actual process of writing and how to focus on putting all her story ideas together into one cohesive composition.' – 5th Grade Parent
Creative Writing Programs For Middle School Students
'My daughter had a fantastic time and found your class extremely fun and educational. She learned a lot and it helped her with her regular school work. I highly recommend your workshop to other families. Thanks for all you do and for making it fun.' – Paren
'I wanted to let you know that your program [Fun Creative Writing] is really making a difference. My daughter entered a writing contest and was able to easily develop her story using what she learned and she even included dialogue. I am very pleased with how she has grown.' – 3rd Grade Paren
*Teacher coaching and student workshops are also available at an additional charge
Our writing program is different. We infuse:
• Real world applications
• Multi-media instructional writing
• Fun writing games
• Interactive engaging activities
• Public speaking
• Industry-standard writing techniques
Did you know?
Only 20% of secondary ELA (English Language Arts) and 32% of elementary teachers engage students in the type of short or sustained research projects central to academic writing in college. (Opfer, Kaufman, & Thompson, 2016, pp. 68–69)
The Fun Creative Writing curriculum package is perfect for your after school writing club or in-school writing lab. The writing lesson plans includes everything you need to get started. It is available on all platforms and includes:
• Easy-to-follow teacher lesson plans
• Engaging PowerPoint slides
• Teacher notes and tips
• *Quarterly teacher coaching
• Embedded video
• Interactive games
• Fun writing assignments
• Ready-to-print handouts