Course Description

Course Numbering System

Courses numbered below 100 are preparatory or developmental in nature and are not normally acceptable for transfer to senior institutions. Courses numbered 100 or above are college level courses.

Sample Course Listing


The Course Descriptions are listed alphabetically by Discipline/Prefix. Students intending to transfer to a senior college should check with the Office of Advising, Transitions, and Student Success to determine which specific courses satisfy transfer requirements.

Course Description Sample

Liberty university course descriptions

Course Delivery Modes


Face-to-Face is the traditional classroom delivery mode where all contact hours are performed on campus in a physical classroom. Instructor may use a Learning Management System to post course materials online. Technology may be used for classroom interaction, and students may be required to use computer and internet to complete assignments.



A Hybrid course has fewer in person course meetings than Face-to-Face. A portion of the course contact hours are delivered online and a portion is delivered on campus in physical classroom. These courses use the Learning Management System for the online portion of the course.

Course Description Examples


Course Description Example

Film - Non Credit Courses (ZFLM) Film and Media Arts - Credit Courses (FILM) Finance (ZFIN) Financial Management (FIN) Fire Technology (FIRE) Fire-Advanced Training (ZEFR) French (FREN) G. General Studies (GEN) Geography (GEOG) German (GER) H. Health (HLTH) Health Information Management Technology (HIM) Health Information Technology (ZHIT). Writing Course Descriptions. The course description orients students by outlining the rationale for the course subject or theme, framing a brief overview of the key content, knowledge and skills to be learned and stating the major learning strategies and activities that students will experience. Course Descriptions Note: Please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for the official, formal course descriptions. The following course descriptions were designed to supplement the catalog descriptions, providing additional information on course content and requirements. The course numbers and names below are effective Fall 2019.

Course Descriptions Sjsu

The UW course descriptions are updated regularly during the academic year. All announcements in the General Catalog and Course Catalog are subject to change without notice and do not constitute an agreement between the University of Washington and the student. Credit Course Descriptions The following course offerings at JCCC are listed alphabetically by subject area. Clicking on the subject in which you are interested will give you a list of all courses that fall under that subject and a course description (including credit hour value) for each of those courses.

An online course is administered asynchronously through the Learning Management System. On-campus meeting are not required. However, online courses may require proctored in-person exam.